Wednesday, September 29, 2010

FML! (rant warning)

I wonder sometimes how certain people in my life would handle having Fibro for just one day? Not very well, I think. Dealing with fibro isn't just living with an ache or two. For me, its about surviving an all out attack on every square inch of my body, combined with severe headaches , frequent bouts of depression & the feeling that I'm trying to think through a vat of grey goop.

Tonight, I was undressed & in bed at 6pm because it was a horrible day (that's such a mild word for what I feel). Most of the day I could barely walk or stand up straight. My skin is on fire & I have severe pain in almost every part of my body. A certain family member, with what I realize now was false concern, asked me how I was feeling & what I was doing. I told them that I was in bed because I felt like shit run over by shit. How does this person respond? By asking me to go run an errand for them because they're tired of having their time interrupted...let's not forget that the errand was, in fact important. So I snapped "fine!" Into the phone & hung up on them. AND this person can't possibly fathom why the freaking fuck I'm pissed at them?!

I CHOOSE not to talk to them right now because I know that anything that comes outta my mouth will be nothing less than pure venom. Really...they should be thankful of my silence.

I guess I feel so angry because I was made to feel like what i'm dealing with is sooooo trivial compared to this person's dinner plans. Well, so much for their promises of support & fake shows of consideration. Shit...the next 8 to 10 months are just gonna be so damned much fun *dripping with sarcasm). Someone give me 2x4 so I can knock myself out please!

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  1. I'm so sorry, my friend. While not the same, I understand some of what you're going through. I'm so sorry you're not getting the familial support you need right now. Believe me, if I had the space, I'd open my home to you in a heartbeat (then we could cry together).

    You know, just because you don't have outward signs of illness or injury, people think you're just fine. They somehow see past how obviously painful moving is, or how the pain etches into your face, or how your eyes reflect pain.

    Know that you're welcome here anytime, although I'm not always the best company. :)

    Love ya, munchkin!

  2. Peanut, you're such a bitch for making me cry LOL. Is it any wonder ILY. I'm extremely lucky to have you for my bff!!! MWAH
