Sunday, September 5, 2010

BFF's Rule!

First let me say...WTF is that weird crap from the last 2 posts? Looks like somethings not translating correctly when I send blog updates via SMS (texts). Grrrr...

Ok, on to better stuff ;o) I had a great night with my BFF Peanut. We went to Stop & Shop to get steaks & potatoes and, like usual, ended up buying out the store LOL!! But dinner & apps were great! We had brie & lotsa garlic melted inside of a pumpernickel round...yum (want a kiss??LOL) and Peanut's homemade salsa to which I'm addicted. We made a homemade "Awesome Blossom" (if you don't know what that is, you cut the top off of a large vidalia onion, take out the middle core & slice in thin strips almost to the bottom, but not all the way. Then you batter it & deep fry it...YUMMO) and our steaks & potatoes. God, were we stuffed.

I almost didn't make it out of there with my leftover salsa. Her daughter, who's home from college for the weekend, was munching on it. LOL, I guess you had to be there to see the humor in it...

I'm so glad that I have Peanut. She's that exceptionally special kind of friend that I can say anything to and she won't bat an eye. As a matter of fact, she'll usually pause for a second & turn it into some kind of sexual reference. It's nice to be able to relax around someone & just be expectations, no pressure, no weird rules.

So on another note, I started writing a cookbook for my son. He's in his senior year of high school and has suddenly expressed an interest in learning to cook, especially those things that I make that he loves. So I thought a cookbook that is written plainly and with a sense of humor seemed just the thing. I'm hoping to be able to get it finished by either Christmas or his birthday next spring.

Nothing much changed with the Fibro. Had a rough period with Hurricane Earl passing us by, but that's the norm now I guess. The fatigue still haunts me, as does the insomnia. It's so frustrating to be so damned exhausted but completely unable to sleep! That's what I'm going to discuss with the doc again when I go see him on Wednesday. This mama needs sleep like a skinny chick needs a cupcake!

Lotsa love to everyone & have a great Labor Day weekend!

Thought for the day:
If you pushed your own naked clone off the top of a tall building, would it be: A) murder? B) suicide? or C) simply making an obscene clone fall?

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