Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Rhett...saaaaave meeee!!!

I've had the same damned migraine for 5 days now. 5 freakish, hellish, agonizing days. So I went to the doctor today to have it dealt with. OMG, I didn't know that they even made needles that big for human use. I ended up getting some kind of cortizone/muscle relaxer injection into the back of my neck where I had muscle spasms (caused by the migraine). Can we allll say OWWWWWWWWIEEEEE!! Not just one poke, but 4 of 'em...count 1, 2, 3, 4. Not fun at all! Hopefully that will help. He said I should get some relief in about 12 hours or so. Blech! I couldn't decide if I wanted to "run like the wind Bullseye" or faint like Scarlet O'Hara when I saw that damned needle. Really? You wanna stick that thing in my f'ing NECK???!!! So, OK...Yes, I'm a damned drama queen when it comes to needles LMAO

Fibro's pretty much the same shit. I'm really, really worried about the coming winter, though. Last winter was horrible. The cold weather seriously made the Fibro go on an all out attack. I was practically crippled. Its embarrassing to say, but I'm fucking terrified. I don't know if I can physically, mentally or emotionally deal with that again. I'm out of FMLA time, so no job protection if I have to be out of work; which pretty much means I have to go...pain or no pain. It sucks to be in the office crying from the pain & limping around like a freaking 90 year old!

SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHH...well, one bright spot is that I finally got around to starting a cooking blog. That has really been fun! I love cooking & find it immensely therapeutic (especially when I get to smash & chop things LOL). You can check it out at http://cookingseasy.blogspot.com/ I'd love to have some followers (yep, shameless self promotion LMAO)

Gonna sign off now & go contemplate what kind of mayhem I wanna get into tomorrow.

Peace Out, Peeps!! MWAH

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