Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bitch Alert!

I'm so incredibly stressed out!  I'm pretty much one stubbed toe away from a fucking nervous breakdown.  This has been, by far, one of the worst weeks of my entire damned life.  I go to pick up my son's prescription last night and get informed that my insurance "expired" on April 30th...really???!!!  WTF!!!  AND to pick it up would now cost me $459...NOT!  I get to work this morning & go on our benefits website and surprise!! It's not just my prescription benefits but my whole damned medical insurance et al!  Needless to say, after the week I've had I pretty much lost it.  As much as I may complain about my mom, she really is there when I need her.  I sobbed & cried and was so freaking angry!

So anyway, Mom helps me to calm down a little and I waited until the benefits administrator's office opened.  Come to find out it was a problem on their end that occurred back when I was on LOA.  Needless to say, my Fibro's now in full flare mode.  My skin is burning, I can hardly walk & every breath hurts...even the air moving across my skin hurts.  I really, really, really need something good to happen.  Just something small, I'm not asking for miracles or to win Lotto.

I came home & my son shows up 15 minutes later with a friend.  Normally, I wouldn't mind at all, but today I just want to be quiet.  I don't want to have to be polite or make nice.  I'm bitchy, I'm ornery & I'm raring for a fucking fight.  Not a good mix at all.  I don't want to alienate his friends, so I pretty much just suck it up (with some dirty looks thrown Harley's way).  It's not fair to him that his mom can't stand to even be around herself.  So now I feel guilty, which just makes me more bitchy.  UGH...it's a vicious cycle. I'm just so damned tired...


  1. Jeannie...I've had insurance issues too...I totally understand your frustration then on top of that the FM flares rears its ugly head. I'm one to also wants quiet when I'm upset...just leave me alone. Company does not help. You then hold everything inside and feel like your going to explode. Heaven help the person who trys to improve your mood. That's the one who will get all my energy full force. Hope this sorts out for you. Hugs

  2. I hate the days when everything that can go wrong, does go wrong.

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