Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Life is NOT like a box of chocolates!

Chocolate is good & yummy and you always look forward to more. Life...well, life just sucks sometimes. I've never met a shitty chocolate...ever!

Today is one of those damned days that I wish would just disappear into oblivion. I look at my mom & grandmother and wonder what I'll be like by the ages of 60 or 80? This fibro-shit isn't getting any better. Will I be in a wheelchair drooling all over myself? Will I progress from a snarky bitch to a bitter cunt? SIGHHHHHH...some day's it just doesn't pay to think at all.

Thank GOD for my friends & family; because without them I might just give in to this. I just want to have a good day now & then. But that doesn't seem to be in the cards right now. Just when I think I've had all the crap I can handle, more crap piles on. Between the fibro, chronic fatigue (CFS), IBS, restless leg syndrome (RLS) the eye infection, hands swelling up & itching, breaking out in hives & my hair seeming to thin out, I wonder...WTF!!!!!! Leave me the fuck alone already. I don't need any more!

They say that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I say, BULLSHIT! I should be fucking Conan the Barbarian by now. Yick, I think I'm making myself more depressed. I really think I could use a Wonder Woman costume and the invisible jet wouldn't be a bad addition, too. Or maybe I should do the invisible man thing (woman?). That way I could just fade into the background for a while.

I know this is kind of random and my thoughts are spilling out all over the place. Bear with me. I'll climb out of the funk, eventually. My love and prayers go out to all of my friends & family who have to deal with me and my support also goes out to all of my fellow Fibro Warriors ((HUGS)).


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