Sunday, August 8, 2010


Just a short post today. I feel like shit covered in shit. I'm pretty sure it's just the break-in period with the new meds, but OMG! it's crazy. I'm dizzy as hell, I have this horrible taste in my mouth, I'm super exhausted & my cognitive skills have jumped out the friggin' window! Oh yeah, let's not forget the fucking hot flashes. This has been going on since Thursday. I was hoping that by today (Sunday) I would have adjusted, but it looks like luck is not gonna be on my side. I'm supposed to go out with my friend for coffee & wedding shopping today but I don't know. Everytime I stand up the room spins.

I know in my head that this will eventually go away, but right now it makes me want to cry & bury my head in my pillow. YUCK!!

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