Friday, July 16, 2010

The Sweet Sound of Friday!

Yayyyyy!!! It's Friday! Of course, it's a little tarnished listening to one of my kids bitch about the dogs...AGAIN. SIGH

It's been a long week that I'm not sad to see the backside of. The fibro really kicked my butt this week, especially after the doctor's appointment and I swear everyone in my house is PMS-ing!!! Gaaaahhhhhh!!! Makes me wanna run away to Jamaica, change my name to Juanita,put on a Sombrero & sell shell necklaces to the tourists. The pain makes me want to shut everyone up with a rusty spoon, though, so I have to remember to take deep breaths LOL!

I really, really, really don't like the fatigue that I have pretty much every day. It's like someone's tied weights on to all of my extremities & made me run 5 miles. It's so frustrating to want to do things & not be able to. I find it very strange and annoying that I'm so extremely tired, but can't seem to find that mythical place called "Sleep". I've tried everything...

Counting Sheep...they finally ran away.
Warm milk...made me want to puke.
Reading a book...gave me a headache.
TV on...eyes keep popping open to make sure that the Shamwow guy hasn't come on (eww)
TV off...Keep wondering if I'm missing the GT Express 101 Commercial

It's an endless cycle.

Through adversity there is redemption
With passion, fighting, I am unbroken!!

Killswitch Engage (from Unbroken)

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