Thursday, July 29, 2010


I swear some days my brain turns to mush. Not the normal mush like mashed potatoes or pudding, but the grey, lumpy, watery, icky mush that just kind of sits there. I've been sitting here in front of my computer for a half hour trying to think of what I wanted to write and truthfully...nothing...absolutely nothing. I'm blank today.

It's been an OK week, although I over-did it a little bit yesterday. Drove some friends home when their car broke down in the morning, came home picked up my son & the broken cable box, drove to the cable company to switch the box, went to the movies (more on that later), grocery store, helped Harley cook dinner (again, more later) then went & met another friend for coffee. I think I spent the entire damned day in the car. It was great seeing my friends & spending time with Harley but I'm paying for it today. My legs, neck and arms are on fire!! It's like Fibro smacks you in the face for having a good day. *SIGH* it's bullshit!

Harley & I went to see Inception with Leonardo DiCaprio...the end's a total mind fuck! LOL Go see it!

I did get a break from cooking dinner 2 days in a row. Christopher cooked chicken, garlic pasta & made a salad (which was great, although he cried & gagged while eating it LOL) on Tuesday. Yesterday, Harley made homemade Mac & Cheese and Dirt Cups...YUMM. They both did really good & I'm proud of them for making the effort. ;o)

My mom's in a funk again, so that's a little stressful. Don't know exactly what's going on with her right now. She worries me...A LOT.

On the Fibro front, the new meds aren't really making a hill of freakin beans of difference so far. What I'd really like is a vicodin the size of a Fava bean! I need a damned break from the pain & insomnia before I go completely & utterly insane. I see the doc next Wednesday, so hopefully he can do something.

Here's your thought for the day:

If vibrators could light the BBQ & kill spiders in the bathtub, would we really need men at all??

Luv ya everyone!

1 comment:

  1. And, we very much appreciate it! Sorry it made you over-do, though.
