Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday Night Musings

I have a love/hate relationship with Sunday nights. I like that my kids are home with me, but I hate that I have to go to work tomorrow morning. It's not that I hate my job, I like what I do. The stress and the pain that comes with going into the office is what gets me. Between the wild temperature fluctuations during the day (it's hot in the morning, cold in the early afternoon, hot again in the later afternoon), the pain that sitting at my work computer causes & having to pretend that everything's all sunshiny and rosy just makes for a very long workweek. I am lucky to have a couple of really good friends there that are super supportive and are among the few that I don't have to pretend with. Thank GOD for them!!!

The weekend has been pretty good. Friday night I spent some quality time with my son watching The Iron Giant (mmmm, Robert Downey Jr is HOT). I hung out with my friends, Peanut & Gwendy on Saturday night. We had a ball trash-talking, cooking & eating yummy munchies. It's always fun to hang with my girls ;o)

Not much new on the Fibro front today. Pretty much more of the same old/same old. Well...maybe one new thing that I have to ask the doc about. My hands keep swelling up, getting really red & itchy beyond belief and I keep breaking out in hives. Never happened before and I haven't changed anything...using the same detergents, soap, etc. SIGH...

My thought for the day:

Alarm Clock: An EVIL device created by Satan!

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