Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Stress Anyone?

I've about had it this week!!! Between getting my period, which was so NOT a happy occasion and the Fibro madness and fighting amongst my family...I've just about reached my boiling point! None of this helps keep the Fibro pain from taking over and no one in my house seems willing to try to work together. The house is a damned disaster, laundry's piled up, kids are fighting about anything and everything and my mom is about as unhappy as I've ever seen her. I wish Calgon really could just "take me away".

Today started out so promising, too. Maybe that's why it's so stupidly annoying that it has really gone down the crapper tonight. I got up early & drove my mother to work, got a delicious cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee, did a little shopping then Harley & I went to The Angry Chair ( and we both got our hair cut & colored (I'll post pics of my new hair when I'm sure not to be baring my teeth in anger). Somewhere between coming home & picking up Chinese food all hell broke loose. W-T-F!!!!!!!

UGH, some days I have to remind myself that it would be against the law to strap people to the front of my car & use it like a battering ram ;o) ESPECIALLY when the constant stress of playing mediator eventually causes my Fibro to kick in. God! I can't wait to go see this damned specialist. I need something to manage this pain & fogginess.

Oh by the way, if you know me in the real world, my new hair will probably cause a slight case of panic followed by "what was she thinking". Maybe I'm having a mid-life crisis or something, but I just really needed to have a change & boy-oh-boy did I make one! I think I just needed to feel like my old self...spunky & a little bit hard core. LOL Anyway, I'm off to drop the kids off at the movies & then will be dropping myself into bed (finally).

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I'll admit - it will take getting used to. But... it's definitely you, and I'm very happy for you that you got what you want! (elf-queen.... he heeheheheh)

    So sorry to hear of all the drama - just what you don't need. I was so happy to see you today - I hope we can get together soon so we can just talk and talk and talk! I really didn't get to spend time with you at all - I'm really glad you came to sit with us at the table.

    I pushed a little too hard today, trying to be "normal", and am paying big time as a result. I just have to get through tomorrow, though, and then I can sleep in on Saturday, and rest up a bit.

    As my friend, Lynne Ann, would say ... "Strenght to you!".

    VGH -
