Saturday, June 19, 2010

Well This is New

Not too sure how this will work out and what it may or may not grow into. My fight with Fibro/CFS is an ongoing struggle to learn about the disease and also about myself.

My name is Jeannie and I'm a 39 year old mother of a teenaged son, Harley. I decided to start this blog as a way to share my experiences with Fibro and, I guess as a kind of therapy of my own. One thing Fibro has done, is leave me feeling very alone in this fight.

I will warn those who may decide to read this blog, that I tend to be on the sarcastic/snarky side and sometimes the filter on my mouth (fingers?) malfunctions. To my friends & family, I'm known to be pretty opinionated & somewhat bitchy (Peanut you can stop laughing now ;o)...OK, OK...I'm super bitchy and majorly snarky. BUT, I'm also honest & tend to try to see the humor in things...even Fibro.

Well, this should be interesting anyways...

1 comment:

  1. i too have fibro and have been dealing with pain since i began my period at age 9 1/2 ... not dx'd until 2001.. i'm 46 and it changed my whole life.. i've done dietary changes, PT, tons of meds.. and doctors too many to count..and most of them disbelieving of fibro

    meditating helps keep me centered and calm, but often getting to that place can be a challenge..

    i'm happy to answer any questions you may on any topic.. i'm open and honest about it all.. it affects EVERY facet of life.. i'm glad you are still able to work..

    take care

