Friday, June 25, 2010

The Bitch is IN

So, it’s finally Friday. OMG, I never thought that it would get here. I’m having serious doubts about my 4 day work week set up (I work 4 10-hour days). I switched my day off to Wednesday because I thought it would give me a good break during the week, so I wouldn’t get so tired. BUT, it really is like having a 2nd Monday when I have to go back to work on Thursday…I swear it makes the week feel longer. I don’t know…I’ll give it a few more weeks to see if it eases up, I guess.

This week, particularly Wed – Today have been miserable. We have a little crisis going on at home (nothing for anyone to worry about) and the stress is killing me…literally. Have you ever watched something implode in slow motion? Well, that pretty much sums up how I’m feeling the last few days…like I just want to fold into myself. My upper arms feel like Andre’ the Giant punched me (I keep looking to see if I have bruises, but I don’t) and everything else for the most part feels like I’ve been doused with kerosene and lit on fire. Doesn’t make for being very comfortable.

Of course, the lack of sleep this week has been most enjoyable…NOT! On Tuesday afternoon, I took a class on naming Data Elements in our company’s systems and thought that between the Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS), my head literally nodding & my eyelids feeling like they had 10 lb weights attached to them, I was going to lose my mind. Even Fibro-fog can’t block out that damned RLS, which is kind of a newer symptom that I have to talk to my doc about. FUN for me!! I swear on Tuesday, if I could have, I would have chopped my own legs off with a rusty butterknife!

Sometimes this whole thing gets pretty discouraging. Looking at the big picture, and realizing that I have my whole life to live with this shit really makes me want to rethink my position on Dr. Kevorkian. Oh, don’t worry, I’m not going to do anything stupid (well death-wise anyway LOL), just tired, frustrated & bitchy.

Well, I’m gonna go now. If you see a crazy woman running around plastered with Icy-Hot patches…don’t call the cops…it’s just me ;o)

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