Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Money Sucks!

OK, let me rephrase that...lack of money sucks. I'm sitting here @ my car dealership & am seriously wondering how the hell much this is gonna cost me. This has been a really tight week because I made a stupid & very big calculation error in my checking account. All i can do is pray that whatever is causing the check-engine light to come on is covered under the warranty!

I hate having to worry so much about money & 'yes' I know that we're all dealing with it. relative. At this point in my life I shouldn't have to freak out about getting even an oil change. All the stress is sooo not helpful with the Fibro pain. So again, *SIGH*

The weather is changing & that's another thing that [ibro has taken from me. I have always loved fall...the colors, crisp weather, the smells. Now, however, I kinda dread it. It just means more pain & drama. I think the overarching feeling I have about Fibro right now is anger. Which leads to depression, which leads to more pain, which leads to despair...all of which makes me more angry. Grrrrr...

I did find out some good news...Cracker Barrel is open for Thanksgiving. I really miss cooking it myself, but I just can't manage it this year. This will be only the second time in my adult life, that I'm not cooking for Thanksgiving. I had to weigh the cost to me physically against the joy of cooking a huge feast for my family. We all kinda voted & it was decided thats its not worth me being physically wasted for 3 or 4 days. I like Cracker Barrel because its comforting & relaxed (& its one of the few places Harley can order something other than turkey).

Its actually kind of a relief to let someone else cook & do the dishes LOL!
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