Saturday, December 18, 2010

Freezing Fibro

OK, enough of the below freezing temperatures!!!  We had a dusting of snow, here in CT, over a week ago and it's STILL on the ground.  I don't think I have been able to feel my toes for a week LOL!  Enough already!!!  The cold weather really is no friend to those of us who suffer from Fibro.  Everything aches, hurts, stiffens up & even burns.  UGH x 10!!

Well, anyway...I finally got the last of my Christmas shopping done yesterday (WHEW!) and everything is wrapped & ready to go.  I'm paying for it today, though.  I'm having the worst time trying to muster up even a minuscule amount of Christmas spirit this year.  I think, if it was just me, I would ignore it and let Christmas quietly pass on by; but that wouldn't be fair to my son and the rest of my family.  *SIGH* so we'll just act "as-if" for now.

We did (finally) put up a Christmas tree...if you can call it that.  I wasn't up to assembling & decorating the big tree this year so I bought this little tabletop real tree.  OMG!  It's the saddest, ugliest thing I've ever seen *giggles* and it lists ever so slightly to the right.  Harley & I decorated it and decided that we'd deal with it for 1 year.  It was looking so sad & fugly yesterday, so we thought maybe some tinsel would help...NOT!  Now it looks like it's growing hair!  It looks like a shiny Cousin It!!!  The tree has become a huge source of giggles & jokes, though so I think it's worth having, quite possibly the ugliest tree I've ever seen. ;o)

Have a very Merry Christmas everyone!

Here's a pic of the tree pre-tinsel...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sully Erna on Rockline

Oh BTW...check out Sully Erna (singer of Godsmack) live on Rockline on 12/6/2010. He'll be talking about his new solo album Avalon, which is a totally bewitching & amazing auditory journey & really gives me moments of peace & healing during even the darkest of Fibro flares.

Details on

Mwah peeps!
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Bitches Rule!

So, umm yeah...I'm a bitch. No apologies. No regret. It took me a while to get to the point where I was comfy in my bitchiness. I'm not a purposfully mean bitch & I don't go looking to hurt anyone's feelings intentionally. I do pretty much speak my mind & frequently lose my filter which can get me in trouble sometimes. But I've learned that just goes with the bitch territory.

Why am I writing about this?? I don't freaking know! Stop asking me questions! LOL

I will admit that with the Fibro, I have to be careful that I don't turn from a bitch to a cunt - no I don't like that word but it fits. Sometimes the pain & shit gets overwhelming & my bitchiness goes on overdrive. So deal with it...but y'all have my permission to tell me if I've crossed over the cunt-line. That's a weird word (cunt)...why do we hate it so much? *shakes head*

Anyway, back to bitches. I have some wonderfully bitchy friends! And when we combine our bitchy the fuck out LMAFO!!

So go ahead. Embrace your inner bitch. Better remember to feed her coffee & chocolate at regular intervals or she'll fuckin take a match to the string on your tampon! ;o)
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